Boy, this was a cold night!
Everyone was glad to get into the Pitch Diner and get
their first drink inside them! Mark was at the door
to personally greet his guests.
Together with Ron Parker, the evening's organiser...

Close at hand to serve the guests with their drinks
were the lovely Hooters Girls...

Bets were taken by The Ladbrokes Girls (who had an uncanny
knack of making me part with more money than I originally

Commentary was provided by Century Radio's Darren Fletcher
and Larry Lloyd...
A splendid buffet was served up by the Forest Catering

... and of course - more Hooters Girls!
Guests included Garry Birtles.....

... Alan Rogers and Dougie Freedman "The Walsall

....Alan Rogers again, with Nigel Jemson and Andy Johnson.

... and even more Hooters Girls!

... even Paul Keeton got one!...
guess who ended up with all the money?... Not this lot!
....... It all went to Charity!!!