Everybody had high expectations for this day. Celebrity golfers were coming from all over the country - it was billed as the "biggest sporting get-together ever held in the Midlands", prizes included a car and a golfing holiday, and what happened? - it poured with rain!!!

Not to be put off by the weather, everybody turned up to play and a good day was had by all!


Lisa and Cherry process the registrations

Bob Fairhall announces teams at 1st Tee

The Webmasters Team:
Steve Ralling, Marlon Harewood,
Steve Stanton, Kev Lockhart

Marlon Harewood at the first tee

Des Lyttle

Darren Fletcher (Century 106)

Kenny Burns

Mark with Geoff Crossley's team

Ron Parker

Paul Keeton

The Dunhill Girls

Ian Woan

Rory Underwood

The Webmasters collect their runners-up prize!

Steve Ralling meets Ron Atkinson

Alan Rogers wins the 'Nearest the Pin' prize

The winning team


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