Quiz Night 2002
Well - Dave "The Plymouth Red"
Brown (quizmaster) pulls it off again!
Sunday 31st March 2002 was the 5th Anniversary of
the Internet Quiz Night and the turn-out was better
than ever!
Over 80 eager Internet Forest Fans gathered at the
Commercial Inn, Beeston to pit their wits against
their fellow men (and women!)
As usual, the quiz was 'firm but fair' with an good
balance of questions to test even the most frequent
quiz-nighter. The event was finally won, after a drawn-out
tie-break by "Ken Dodd's Dad's Dead Dog's Been
Resurrected", captained by Andy Taylor, with
"Let's All Laugh at D**by", captained by
Matt Kokins, bringing up the rear and winning the
coveted wooden spoons!
The raffle this year was the best yet with nearly
as many prizes kindly donated as there were guests!
The evening managed to raise a whopping £781.20 for
Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance, our chosen charity.
Well Done one and all for making
this evening a huge success!
The following pictures were taken during
the event:
[click on a thumbnail to view
the picture in its full 1280 X 960 glory for photo-quality